Trees are magnificent to behold. They are an essential part of our environment. Trees provide protection and shelter for humans, wildlife and insects. However, over time trees can also deteriorate if not well cared for.

They can become problematic for property owners as well. Without any maintenance or intervention, trees can grow and sprawl over properties making it look unkempt. Branches, roots and stumps can become safety hazards. Sometimes the aftermath of a storm can bring about many felled trees of which the size and tree wreckage can only be removed by tree specialists.

What causes tree wear and tear?

Exposure to the elements

Strong winds and storms


Fungus and plant diseases

Human neglect

For tree removal concerns, it’s always best to consult a Whangarei Tree Specialist such as T8 Tree consultancy. We are widely-known for our premier service in evaluating the condition of trees. We guarantee the following:

Skills and Knowledge

The depth of our services is something we are proud of. For instance, one of our tree care services is pruning. We view pruning as a tactical affair. It is done to improve the form of the tree and ensure the safety of people living in the area.

The wrong cut can potentially harm or change the course of the growth of a tree you value. An arborist specialist such as the team at T8 Tree Services, will know the best place to cut and on what part of a tree branch. Through our many years of experience, we developed the skills to ensure the best healthy outcome for your trees. Our goal is to make sure your trees come out healthy and thriving.


A great tree removal service starts with highly-skilled tree specialists. We have the best people for the job. Our Whangarei tree specialists can accomplish grind stumping and tree removal efficiently without disruption and delays. Tree work commences in a very organised manner once we get on site and we make sure we’ll get everything done right.


Tree care services can significantly reduce maintenance costs on your property. It saves you from costly liability issues by making sure your property is safe from accidents and tree hazards. Of course, the cost involved in removing trees or stumps depends greatly on the tree size, location, access and condition of the tree. Another factor would be how labor-intensive and time-consuming the process would be in order to pull it out. But do know that T8 tree removal services are one of the most affordable and competitively priced in Whangarei. Reach out to us for a quote today!


There are many tree services out there operating without insurance and offers you no protection from any unintended damages or incidents. For your peace of mind, we have the crucial insurance to cover common risks and hazards.

Call the Whangarei Tree Specialist

When you need a responsible and expert tree removal service in Whangarei, consider T8 Tree Care services. We do the following tree care services:

  • Tree Consultancy
  • Tree removal
  • Lot Clearing
  • Tree Felling
  • Stump Grinding and Removal
  • Emergency Tree Damage Service

Save money on your next tree removal project – consult with T8 tree services today!


We are your local Whangarei Arborists (Tree Surgeons). When you need us, we are there. We do the job, safely, affordably and professionally.



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